Mamma Baby Zeta Spray Mosquitos Repelente 100ml

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Helps prevent insect bites on pediatric skin

100 ml

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Only 2 units at this price


Pediatric repellent in spray format with nourishing and protective active ingredients, suitable for all skin types. Made from organic essential oils of geranium, lavender, melaleuca, citronella, thyme, lemon, lime, eucalyptus and basil. Reinforced with Aloe vera, which helps to keep the skin moisturised. Helps to repel insects and prevent the spread of diseases through bites. Provides a very pleasant natural fragrance. Has a texture that does not stain the skin or clothes, without a greasy effect.

Instructions for use

Spray the product uniformly on the skin or surfaces.

Price per 100 ML

€10.63 / 100 ml



New in Antiparasitic