Sotya Alcachofera 60comp

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Promotes liver health and blood cholesterol reduction



Artichoke is known as one of the most beneficial plant principles for liver health. If you suffer from liver disorders and want to take care of your diet to regulate your liver system, adding artichoke consumption to your diet can improve your quality of life.

Sotya Artichoke is a tablet rich in the active principles of the artichoke, such as cynarin and various flavonoids that promote the health of your body.

Among the main benefits of artichoke are the following:

  • - Reduces cholesterol, fat and blood sugar levels.
  • - It has a diuretic effect that reduces the amount of urea in the blood.
  • - It has a choleretic action that increases bile secretion, thus helping in the digestion of fat and jaundice.
  • - It stimulates the regeneration of liver cells, so its consumption is recommended for people affected by hepatitis or cirrhosis.

Instructions for use

Take 2 tablets three times a day.

Unit price

€0.00 / Tablets

Pharmaceutical Advice

Urea is a very versatile ingredient in cosmetics. Depending on its concentration, it can serve different needs. In concentrations of up to 20%, it works as a deep moisturiser for cosmetic use and helps to treat flaky skin. In higher concentrations it works as an exfoliant. Its moisturising and penetrating power offers good results to treat severely dry skin, nails, scalp, calluses and other conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema.



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