I would like to know up to how many capsules I can take above 1
Fabienne D.
Food supplement: Black Currant, Olive, Red Vine, Cranberry. Improves circulatory comfort, reduces the feeling of heavy legs, promotes venous tone.
INFORMATIONCirculatory problems, what are their causes? Our modern lifestyle, often sedentary, means that we do not subject our legs to sufficient effort, which in turn leads to poor blood circulation (especially in the legs). In addition, our eating habits can have harmful consequences for our cardiovascular system. Tips to improve circulation Walk, swim, avoid high heels and tight clothing (e.g. knee-high socks). Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and prolonged standing or sitting. Consider compression stockings for long trips. Drink plenty of fluids. Apport de Bien-être Circulation The natural and complete solution to quickly regain light legs and greater circulatory comfort throughout the day, thanks to its "extended release" formula for 8 hours. Promotes venous return, calms swelling, maintains capillary and venous walls, antioxidant protection. 100% natural active ingredients, no dyes or GMOs. Plants beneficial for circulation Red vine has a beneficial effect on heavy legs and capillary fragility. Blackcurrant berries contain antioxidants and have draining properties. Olive is considered an excellent blood pressure regulator and is recognized for its diuretic activity. Bilberry promotes capillary resistance and microcirculation.