Ana Maria Lajusticia Evening Primrose Oil + Vitamin E 275 Pearls

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Food supplement with Vitamin E

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Ana Maria Lajusticia Evening Primrose Oil + Vitamin E 275 pearls is a food supplement that helps protect cells from oxidative damage.

Made from vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids, with evening primrose oil. Vitamin E helps to protect cells against oxidative damage . Polyunsaturated acids are necessary in the composition of cell membranes to which they provide elasticity.

Indicated to improve circulatory problems, thrombophlebitis and to help maintain tissues in good condition.

Instructions for use

  • Eat 2 pearls a day, preferably in the morning.



Pharmaceutical Advice

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, i.e. it can be dissolved in fats and oils. It acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cell membranes against damage caused by free radicals (as a result of pollution or solar ultraviolet radiation) and therefore helps to prevent skin aging.

It also supports the immune system and inhibits platelet aggregation, depending on the dose. It is also involved in the regulation of several enzymes. Cells use vitamin E to interact with each other and carry out important bodily functions such as maintaining vision and/or movement in muscles and nerves.

Vitamin E can be found in foods such as olive, sunflower or sesame vegetable oils; in nuts (hazelnuts or almonds); it is also present, to a lesser extent, in vegetables (such as spinach and broccoli). Some manufacturers add vitamin E for its antioxidant benefits. Before taking a dietary supplement containing vitamin E, consult a healthcare professional.

In cosmetic products, its antioxidant effect is also utilised, and it is included in the formulation of skincare products (tocopherol and derivatives). It is an anti-inflammatory vitamin and counteracts oxidative damage and preserves collagen in the dermis, helping to maintain skin structure. It is also found in anti-aging products combined with Vitamin C as it manages to regenerate the anti-ox effect of Vitamin E and results in a good antioxidant synergy.




I have tried different formulations of the brand and they have always worked very well.

María Y.

phenomenal, I have been using it for a long time and it is the best product I have ever tried

Ana M.

The product is wonderful I have it private for years what happens is that I always buy it from another platform and this time it was in stock break so I decided to buy it here and the truth arrived very late they did not send it to my address as agreed if not q to a collection point q I had to go 3 times because they could not find it in short a disaster .... I will not buy more from promofarma

Aqua P.

I have not tested it yet

Rosa M.

i have not been here long enough to have an evaluation yet. But all Ana Maria Lajusticia products are guaranteed!!!


I have bought it more than once, it works for hot flashes

Anonymous A.

I like it very much

Anonymous A.

i have been using it for a short time, I can't evaluate it yet

Anonymous A.

I recommend it.

Anonymous A.

It helps me to regulate my period, before I had an irregular period and since I take these pills it comes every 28 days

Anonymous A.

Just take two tablets in the morning. It has evening primrose oil and vitamin E. There are doses for 137 days

Anonymous A.

If by the time you enter the period close to menopause

Anonymous A.

Good size

Anonymous A.

It helps me a lot with my skin problems, plus on your site is much cheaper than elsewhere

Anonymous A.

The best for my hot flashes

Anonymous A.

It works great for me to balance my hormones

Anonymous A.

The amount of pearls in the product in relation to the price is excellent.

Anonymous A.

All right, well

Anonymous A.


Anonymous A.

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