Aposán Suero Fisiológico 10 Monodosis De 5ml is a sterile solution of 0.9% sodium chloride in single-dose format of 10 containers of 5 ml each. This product guarantees sterility and facilitates its use in a safe way thanks to its self-closing system. It can be used in infants, children and adults for ocular instillation, nasal irrigation and in contact lenses. Provides immediate and lasting relief from irritation, tiredness or dry eyes caused by external agents, as well as in cases of cold with mucus obstruction, nasal dryness, eye and eyelid washing, and wound care and hygiene. Complies with rd 1591/2009 on medical devices. It is important to consult the instruction manual before use to know possible side effects and contraindications. Suitable for the whole family, from infants to adults. Contains 0.9% sodium chloride. It is recommended to apply the necessary drops in the eyes by opening the eyelids with the fingers, and to irrigate the nostrils by tilting the head backwards.