Aquilea Sleep Express 12ml

10,96€ 12,45€
Only 13 units at this price

Combats insomnia quickly

12 ml

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10,96€ 12,45€
Only 13 units at this price


Aquilea Sleep Express 12ml is a sublingual spray that helps you fall asleep quickly.

Thanks to its composition in melatonin and indicated for people with insomnia, it promotes rest even when this is affected by causes such as stress or some drugs that can affect the ability to sleep.

Lactose and gluten free.

Instructions for use

Take 1 sublingual spray a day before going to bed.

Food supplements are not a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet.



Price per 100 ML

91,33€ / 100 ml

Pharmaceutical Advice

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland. It helps your body to know when it is time to go to sleep and when it is time to wake up. An imbalance in the production of this hormone (jet lag, change in work shifts, mild and temporary insomnia, etc.) can lead to an alteration in the sleep-wake cycle that can result in difficulty falling asleep.
Dietary supplements containing melatonin are an option to promote a more restful sleep. Their use should be accompanied by sleep hygiene habits: establishing regular schedules, avoiding late dinners, and avoiding caffeine about 6 hours before going to sleep (coffee, tea, dark chocolate, energy drinks, etc.). It is also advisable to avoid using electronic devices at night or exposure to artificial light, as this will inhibit melatonin production.
If the problem persists, other symptoms appear or medication is being taken, we recommend consulting a healthcare professional.




Well, I expected it to be faster as its name indicates, although it is true that it helps but I don't know to what extent I would say expressions

Anonymous A.

Twice if

Anonymous A.

good product

Anonymous A.

I thought it would make me more sleepy

Anonymous A.

Well, I'm glad

Anonymous A.


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