Arkopharma Arkosterol Plus Pack 2x30caps

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Contributes to keeping the body healthy and strong

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A dietary supplement that helps to improve and maintain healthy levels in good condition. Made with a 100% natural formula, based on 5 plant extracts loaded with active ingredients beneficial to the body. It contains red yeast rice, coenzyme Q10 and policosanols, which offer a greater action, improving circulation and avoiding risks of diseases and ailments.

Instructions for use

Take one capsule in the evening, at dinner, with a glass of water.

Pharmaceutical Advice

Red yeast rice or Monascus purpureus is a type of fungus that grows on rice and ferments it, turning it into a reddish colour. Since the Ming Dynasty, it has been included in Chinese pharmacopoeia and it has been associated with properties for relieving digestive or circulatory issues.

The beneficial effect of red yeast rice is related to substances generated during the fermentation process: monacolins, and in particular, monacolin K. These substances help to limit the synthesis of the red yeast's fatty acid and endogenous cholesterol in the body. Red yeast rice also contains other compounds such as isoflavones and sterols which boost its beneficial antioxidant effect.

Before taking a red yeast rice supplement, you will need a comprehensive cardiovascular risk assessment from your doctor. Lifestyle habits are the first thing to look out for when cholesterol levels are high such as eating a balanced diet and being physically active. Remember that supplements with red yeast rice are not indicated if you are already being treated for hypercholesterolaemia with medication.

It should not be taken with other dietary supplements that contain the same ingredient. Do not take more than 3 mg of monacolins per day and follow the instructions indicated on the label. This supplement is not indicated for use in children, during pregnancy/breastfeeding, or by those over 70 years. If you have any questions or experience any undesirable effects, please consult a healthcare professional.




Good results in the control of cholesterol reduction. Recommended

José L.

It depends on who it works for some people and not for others

Almudena S.

Small tablets, easy to take

María R.

Works for me and regulates cholesterol

Jordi F.

I don't know yet

Enrique M.

i recommend it

Antoni G.

Fa temps que el gasto y molt bé pq va baixant el colesterol


I recommend this product. A mi m'ha anat molt bé pq el colesterol em va baixant, jo pel meu compte vaig començar a pendrel ja que el metge del cap em em deia que encara no estava no estava al límit pq el colesterol bo i el dolent no era per donar medicació. It's been more than one year since I started taking it and at the moment it is decreasing.

Gemma S.

Convenience and a daily dose

Jose M.

I recommend it, it keeps cholesterol levels at bay

Laura B.

One of the best things I have ever taken to control cholesterol. I was taking statics and they were very bad for me. Muscle pain and other side effects. The Endocrinologist took me off the statins and suggested red yeast rice. It is very effective along with good nutrition and exercise. I recommend it.

Mercedes M.

I have bought several times now it is time to wait for the next analysis


I have been taking it for 2 years

María D.

easy to take and with results, especially if you accompany it with a healthy and balanced diet, some exercise and a good green tea from time to time

María E.

Helps to keep cholesterol levels under control.

Fco. J.

Yes, Arkosterol is excellent for cholesterol. I have been using it for a number of years

John F.

Ja he provat varies caixes, ara toca esperar el pròxim anàlisis

Gemma S.

Easy to take and it works

John F.

My bad cholesterol levels went down

Ana V.

Very good product. It was recommended by my family doctor to prevent me from taking another pill

Anonymous A.

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