I was looking for stevia to sweeten food. But being the ground leaf, it modifies the flavor. It is not what I need. It's a pity.
Anonymous A.
Artemis Stevia Ground Stevia Bio 65g is stevia powder, a sweetener that is up to 300 times more intense than sugar, making it a healthy alternative to sweeten, likewise, when preparing desserts or dough, it should be borne in mind that the flavour intensifies when heated, so you should use very little sweetener. Benefits of stevia: - The sweetening properties, which have been used to maintain flavours such as soft drinks, without adding the calories of refined sugar, so it will serve to sweeten tea, coffee or juices, in a healthy way. - Ability to be processed without using insulin, which makes it ideal for those who need to control blood glucose levels, as they can sweeten without worrying about hormonal alterations or glucose peaks. - Cardiotonic benefits, made up of antioxidant properties, which help the heart to optimise the use of oxygen or reduce blood pressure. - Its antibacterial content, which will help you maintain oral health, preventing the appearance of cavities and dental plaque.