Avizor Lacrifresh Moisture Drops single dose 20 x 0.40ml


Eye tears with hyaluronic acid for relief of eye squinting


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The dust, the smoke, the air conditioning, the long hours in front of the computer.... We are surrounded by many external agents that can cause dry eye syndrome.

Avizor introduces Lacrifresh Moisture Drops, a solution formulated with Sodium Hyaluronate to provide extra comfort and long-lasting well-being.Avizor Lacrifresh Moisture Drops is recommended for users with occasional dry eyes, allergies or minor discomfort where a standard tear is not enough.

Avizor Lacrifresh Moisture Drops is also suitable for contact lens wearers;

Their single-dose format allows them to be used anywhere and at any time, and as they do not contain preservatives, they are highly recommended for users with sensitive eyes.

Instructions for use

Apply 1 or 2 drops to each eye when you feel dry or irritated. Discard the single-dose container after opening;

Pharmaceutical Advice

Contact lens solution is specially designed to take care of contact lenses and helps prevent protein deposits from forming on the lenses’ surface. Contact lens solutions must be kept innocuous to avoid eye infections, so it is important to keep the bottle tightly closed. It is highly recommended that contact lens wearers also use moisturising eye drops.

Remember that contact lenses are a resource to help you see better and should not be overused. You should rest your eyesight from their use. If you feel discomfort in your eyes, consult your pharmacist or ophthalmologist. Visit your doctor regularly to assess your eyesight and contact lenses.




You can use it with contact lenses and it does not sting or itch the eyes. With others it does.

Santiaga J.


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