Bio Life Bromelase is a complex of enzymes necessary for digestive comfort in case of difficult digestion or inflamed tissues. It also improves blood circulation by draining fatty deposits and regulating cholesterol solubility. It is also a source of energy and vitality for sportsmen.
Its high concentration of bromelase: 2000 GDU/g stimulates the production of digestive enzymes. This food supplement has antiaggregating and fibrinolytic activity. It also has a restorative effect on the gastric mucosa. It does not contain added sucrose, starch or salt. Does not contain gluten or yeast. INFORMATIONBromelase from Bio Life is a complex of enzymes necessary for digestive comfort in case of difficult digestion or inflamed tissues. It also improves blood circulation by draining fat deposits from the blood and regulating cholesterol solubility. It is also a source of energy and vitality for athletes.