Biocop wholemeal flakes made with one of the most complete natural cereals: oats. This cereal helps to maintain the feeling of satiety for longer. It is nutritious, tasty and restorative, as the consumption of 5 tablespoons of oat flakes provides 50% of the recommended daily amount of beta-glucans.
It is possible to consume them raw, mixing them with vegetable beverages such as coconut milk, almond, rice or soy. It is also recommended to consume these flakes with cow's milk or yoghurt. For a softer consistency, it is suggested to soak them beforehand. They can be lightly toasted in a frying pan or boiled for 4 to 5 minutes to make porridge. You can add pieces of fresh fruit, seeds, honey or nuts. They can also be used to make dumplings, bread or biscuits.