Bonusan Bacteri 17 Expert Resilience 28 pcs

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€58.99 €65.00
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Units 28 Units

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Helps to balance and protect the gut bacteria

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€58.99 €65.00
Only 5 units at this price
Units 28 Units

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Dietary supplement made from 17 different bacterial strains. Contributes to regenerate the intestinal flora and maintain health. Helps to improve the body's natural defenses and the elimination of toxins. Promotes the improvement and optimizes the work of the two billion bacteria that populate the gastrointestinal tract. Provides a rebalancing and restorative action of the intestinal microbiota and benefit the health of the digestive and intestinal system.

Instructions for use

Take 1 sachet a day.


Mixture of bacterial strains (Lb. acidophilus LA1, Lb. bulgaricus LB025, Lb. casei BGP93, Lb. paracasei 101/37, Lb. plantarum 14D, Lb. reuteri LR92, Lb. rhamnosus LR1, Lb. salivarius LS04, Bb. animalis ssp. lactis Bi1, Bb. bifidum BBF055, Bb. breve Bbr8, Bb. longum SP54, Bb. longum ssp. infantis BI221, E. faecium SF68, Lc. lactis SP38, P. acidilactici PA09., S. thermophilus ST075), Inulin, Maltodextrin.

Unit price

€2.11 / Units




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