Bonusan Molybdenum 400mcg 120 Tablets

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Essential mineral indispensable in the metabolism and intestinal absorption of iron

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It is an essential mineral in the metabolism and intestinal absorption of iron. It may be recommended in some anemias. It is perhaps less known, but molybdenum is an essential mineral for human health. Molybdenum 400 mcg from Bonusan contains molybdenum in the correct dose and in the most easily absorbable form. The small, easy-to-swallow tablets are suitable for both long-term and intensive use. Do not use during pregnancy or breast-feeding. The use of this product by persons weighing less than 40 kg (such as children) is not recommended. Molybdenum is a copper antagonist and in case of dosages much higher than the recommended dosage of molybdenum, copper deficiency may occur. Incompatibilities with medications and health products are possible.

Pharmaceutical Advice

Iron is a functional mineral that contributes to the body's growth and development. It is present in haemoglobin and myoglobin. These proteins transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the organism. Iron is also involved in the creation of hormones and connective tissue.

Our organism absorbs this mineral from foods such as seafood, lean meat, eggs, pulses and nuts. To facilitate its absorption, it is advisable to add acidic foods rich in vitamin C, such as orange or lemon juice, to the diet. A lack of iron in the diet can cause iron deficiency (anaemia). In the long term, it can lead to symptoms such as a constant lack of energy, fatigue, intestinal disorders and/or difficulty keeping body temperature under control. Lack of iron can be restored through a varied diet. If this is not enough, it can be mitigated through supervised supplementation. It is essential to follow the advice of a healthcare professional and always avoid taking an iron dietary supplement without checking if you are deficient in this mineral.

The body's iron requirements will change throughout the years. It is particularly important to regulate it during the years of menstruation, as well as in pregnant women and infants. Iron is also actively involved in development and growth and is therefore very important for newborn babies.


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