Brushworks Exfoliating Gloves 1 Par

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3,99€ 4,95€


Brushworks exfoliating gloves for gentle exfoliation Brushworks exfoliating gloves are a shower accessory that will help you noticeably improve the appearance of your body's skin with regular use. Its rough surface gently exfoliates to remove all dead skin cells for smooth, soft skin, whatever your skin type. And not only that, but by using them in circular movements we get to improve blood circulation, which therefore helps to combat the dreaded cellulite. Using these gloves once a week will gradually improve the texture of the skin to make it look smoother and firmer. More information Two gloves are included Tip If you usually apply self-tanning products, this exfoliating glove will help you to prepare the skin before applying it, in order to get rid of dry skin and make the self-tanner much more uniform and longer lasting.



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