Carnitine Q10 Plus 30 Bust.

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Pharmaceutical Advice

Carnitine is a molecule naturally present in our bodies. Its active form is L-carnitine and it is primarily responsible for supporting the metabolism to generate energy.

If you have heard about L-carnitine before, it is probably because it is said to have a "fat burning" effect, but how does it work? L-carnitine is involved in the metabolism of fat: it transports fatty acids into the mitochondria for oxidation and energy production. It may therefore contribute to increased mobilisation of fat as a source of energy, although its role as a dietary supplement has not been sufficiently proven.

What we do know is that, without an active lifestyle that includes exercise, an L-carnitine supplement has little impact. It is a nutrient that is commonly used among athletes as it can contribute to the improvement of physical endurance and recovery after sports practice. Remember that a dietary supplement is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet.



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