Daughters Of The Sun Espirusol 50Comp

7,13€ 7,35€
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A food supplement based on spirulina algae

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7,13€ 7,35€
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Food supplement made from spirulina algae. Spirulina helps satiety, appetite control and maintenance of muscle tone. Spirulina algae is a food of vegetable origin with one of the highest concentrations of high quality nutrients. Combats fatigue and mental fatigue due to the high load of vitamins, minerals and trace elements help to mitigate the weakness. Activates the body's detoxification mechanisms, helping organs such as the kidneys and liver in their work of cleansing and elimination of toxins. It has hypolipidemic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in anemic states for its contribution of iron along with the synergy with other trace elements is highly recommended in cases of demineralization and anemic states and excessive fatigue after its good organic assimilation.

Instructions for use

Take 6 tablets a day, 2 tablets half an hour before the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), taken with plenty of water.


Spirulina platensis, whole algae

Unit price

0,08€ / Tablets

Pharmaceutical Advice

Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima) is a nutrient-dense blue-green microalgae that can be included in diets as a supplement.

It is a good source of plant-based protein and fibre, and is low in calories, so it can be a useful supplement for weight loss or muscle mass gain. It is also suitable for exercise and athletic performance, with a balanced diet adjusted to nutrient requirements, as it provides extra energy and vitality, and supports recovery.

This algae is also rich in essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals and, as it contains no fat or cellulose, is easy to digest. It also contains chlorophyll that provides antioxidant properties and can promote the elimination of heavy metals. When in doubt, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional.


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