Derbos Hipermonium Retard 45caps

€19.95 €25.79

Facilitates relaxation and nightly rest


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€19.95 €25.79


Surely there are times of the year when it is harder for you to relax, to rest at night, due to intense insomnia, and that takes its toll the next day. There are treatments that provide a greater rest to be able to perform at 100% throughout the day.

Derbos Hipermonium Retard is a supplement that facilitates nightly rest, prevents nervousness and mood swings caused by emotional, work or psychological stress. With this supplement you will achieve greater comfort and well-being in your daily life and you will not have problems performing as you should.

The Hypericum content of this product is de-photosensitized, preventing staining of the skin with the sun. Derbos Hipermonium Retard takes effect over several hours and is gradually dosed in the intestinal tract;

*It has balancing function of the nervous system.

Get some rest as you should!

Instructions for use

Take 2 capsules daily, 1 before breakfast and 1 before dinner with a glass of water or infusion.


Sucrose, fish autolysate rich in amino acids, Oats, Aromatic plant extracts (Hypericum, Passion fruit), Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12. Cover: gelatine.

Unit price

€0.44 / Capsules

Pharmaceutical Advice

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that is very important for protein metabolism. It also helps in the formation of red blood cells and contributes to the maintenance of the central nervous system. It also plays an essential role in maintaining normal nerve function and in the production of DNA. This micronutrient, naturally present in foods such as meat, eggs, dairy products and fish, helps to properly care for skin, nails and hair.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to megaloblastic anaemia, which causes symptoms such as muscle weakness, tiredness or fatigue, as well as mood disorders. It is important to consider vitamin B12 supplementation in vegetarian or vegan diets, to try to ensure optimal intake levels and avoid anaemia or weakness. This micronutrient can be found in multivitamin supplements, B-complex supplements and other supplements containing only vitamin B12.




It seems to be going well I've only been taking it for a few days

Anonymous A.

i recommend

Anonymous A.

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