Dietisa jalea real royalvit infantil 20 viales

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A food supplement that helps to reduce fatigue and fatigue

20 viales

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Only 2 units at this price


Dietisa royal royalvit infant jelly is a dietary supplement that helps to reduce fatigue and tiredness. Thanks to its formulation it facilitates the contribution of energy in children.

Enriched with royal jelly and vitamins, it promotes the normal growth and development of children's bones. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.

A booster for the kids!

Instructions for use

Take the vial on an empty stomach, preferably with water. Shake before each shot.

  • Children from 3 to 6 years: take 1 vial.
  • Children from 7 to 12 years old: take 2 vials.


Fructose, water, maltodextrin, royal jelly, propolis glycerol extract, flavour, dry pollen extract, potassium sorbate, citric acid, l-ascum acidRbic acid, d-a-tocopheryl acetate, retinyl palmitate, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cholecalciferol, thiamin hydrochloride, riboflavin, pterolimmonoglutamic acid, d-biotin, cyanocobalamin.

Pharmaceutical Advice

Jelly is a substance that is secreted by young bees and is a great source of B vitamins. It also contains a variety of nutrients.

Royal jelly is high in acetylcholine. This molecule helps to stimulate energy for the nervous system. It is indicated to mitigate tiredness or fatigue and to stimulate the appetite.

Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and/or healthy diet.




It strengthens the defenses of the youngest and goes great throughout the winter. They also love the taste.


It looked good, but after a week of taking it, my children all got gastroenteritis, although it passed quickly.

Irene M.

I give it to my daughters throughout the winter to improve their defenses, and it is totally effective.

Anonymous A.

Excellent and format advent calendar

Anonymous A.

It gives a lot of vitality, pleasant taste.

Anonymous A.

Children like it and it is a plus for them

Anonymous A.

Totally recommendable. It helps to raise the defenses of our body.

Anonymous A.

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