Products that has more effect than others I have tried. Very good taste too
It is a dietary supplement formulated from extracts of horsetail, green tea, rhubarb, dandelion and others. It is a diuretic, so it favors drainage and eliminates fluid retention, preventing kidney stones. In addition, it collaborates with the fat burning process and avoids its lodging as adipose tissue. It also benefits the purification of the liver. It combats extreme appetite, preventing excessive food consumption. It contributes to combat the accumulation of fats in the body. It is not recommended in case of pregnancy and lactation. It is not recommended for prolonged use. It is not recommended for children under twelve years of age. It can appear abdominal pain, spasms, diarrhea, nausea, perianal irritation, being recommended in these cases reduction of the dose. It is not recommended in case of heart disease. It is not recommended in case of intestinal obstruction and inflammatory diseases of the colon. Not recommended in case of biliary problems such as biliary obstruction and gallstones. Not recommended in case of nephritic insufficiency. Not recommended in case of hyperestrogenism syndromes, due to its fennel content. It should not be mixed with other diuretics. An interval of two hours should be waited between the intake of drenalight and the intake of another drug.