DocMorris Circulation 30Comp is a dietary supplement that supports avoiding the feeling of tired legs.
Made from plant-based extracts: horse chestnut, rusco and centella asiatica, which help maintain normal blood circulation and contribute to avoiding the feeling of tired and heavy legs.
During the summer and depending on the type of work we do, we may notice discomfort and tiredness in our legs. Following an active lifestyle, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, not smoking and eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables help to a greater well-being in this sense, and to actively take care of our circulatory system.
At a nutritional level, the use of the supplement represents extra support, thanks to the plant extracts and its vitamin C content, which contributes to the formation of collagen for the normal functioning of blood vessels. Vitamin C also protects cells against oxidative damage.
Pack for 1 month of supplementation.