DocMorris Detox 250ml

13,78€ 19,25€
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Support for the organism's physiological cleansing processes

250 ml

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DocMorris Detox 250ml is a dietary supplement in liquid format that works as a nutritional aid in the context of a fat loss diet (prescribed by a healthcare professional), in a time change situation (to support the natural cleansing processes in the body) and to support liver health.

Formulated with vitamins and plant extracts. Its plant extracts such as artichoke, milk thistle, boldo and black radish contain phytoactive substances. All these plants have been traditionally used to support liver health and the body's detoxification processes. Inositol works as a prebiotic fiber and vitamin C provides antioxidant action.

When taking this supplement it is especially important to follow a varied and balanced diet and to maintain a good water intake during the day. In case of having an underlying disease or taking medication, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional before using the supplement. Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

Package for 16 days (approx.) of supplementation.

Instructions for use

Take 15 ml before main meals (lunch and dinner).

*Dietary supplements should be taken as part of a varied and balanced diet and as part of an active lifestyle.

*Do not exceed the specific daily recommended dose.


Water; Bulking agent: Sorbitol; Hydrophilic extract of Cynara scolymus, Artichoke (leaves) 2.00%; Hydrophilic extract of Silybum marianum, Milk thistle (plant) 2.00%; Hydrophilic extract of Peumus boldus, Bilberry (leaves) 1.67%; Hydrophilic extract of Taraxacum officinale, Taraxacum (plant) 1.67%; Choline bitartrate (Choline) 1.34%; Hydrophilic extract of Fumaria officinalis, Fumitory (plant) 1.33%; Hydrophilic extract of Raphanus sativus, Black radish (root) 1.00%; Colour: Ammonium sulphite caramel; Hydrophilic extract of Juniperus communis, Juniper (berries) 0.33%; Inositol 0.33%; L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) 0.27%; Preservative: potassium sorbate. Flavour enhancers: apple juice concentrate, plum juice concentrate.

Preservative: sodium benzoate; stabiliser: xanthan gum; sweetener: sucralose.

Price per 100 ML

5,51€ / 100 ml

Pharmaceutical Advice

Maintaining a healthy weight is based on these two healthy habits: following a balanced diet (if a restrictive or hypocaloric diet is necessary, it should be prescribed by your doctor or nutritionist) and having an active lifestyle (including physical exercise adapted to each person and condition).

In any weight loss or weight maintenance plan, it is necessary to previously evaluate the history of diseases and other health indicators. And, of course, the process should be monitored. All this to avoid nutritional deficiencies and the dreaded rebound effect. Health always takes precedence over aesthetics.

There are food supplements that can support the weight loss process, without replacing a healthy and balanced diet. Some are based on fibre-rich ingredients, which have a satiating effect when taken with water, and which also reduce the intestinal absorption of some of the nutrients (of a fat or carbohydrate nature). If you are taking medication, remember to separate the intake of the supplement from that of the medication, so that there is no interference. On the other hand, thermogenic ingredients stimulate fat metabolism (lipolysis), thus helping to prevent excessive accumulation of fatty tissue. Other ingredients such as certain probiotic strains help maintain a healthy gut microbiota. Finally, certain plant extracts with diuretic and depurative properties support the organs with a detoxifying function. Several ingredients that work together can be found in the same food supplement.

Compared to shakes, snacks or other meal replacement preparations, these products are used to implement a dietary plan with a more controlled calorie, nutrient and micronutrient intake (in the context of a low-calorie diet). They contain proteins of high biological value to prevent the loss of muscle mass, which is precisely what we want to maintain and enhance at any stage of life. In this regard, always follow the advice of a health professional.

For the general population, the best nutritional advice is to base the diet on fresh and seasonal foods, as well as foods with high nutritional density, and to reduce the consumption of ultra-processed foods. Acquiring new skills in meal planning is a learning process that allows us to have a healthier diet in the long term. The Mediterranean Diet is a source of inspiration and the best guide in this regard.

Finally, having psychological support in a process of weight loss or weight maintenance can be key to identify conditioning thoughts and emotions that are influencing our eating behaviour. Eating well requires some time and knowledge to acquire healthy habits. It is worth investing in, because it is the basis of our wellbeing. Be wary of quick fixes or miracle solutions to achieve a healthy weight. They can compromise your health.




After several days I do not notice any effect.

Jorge C.

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