Donna Plus Menocifuga Vital 30 Sticks

22,19€ 24,75€
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22,19€ 24,75€
Only 6 units at this price


Donna Plus Menocifuga Vital 30 Sticks is a dietary supplement designed to provide support during the climacteric period and promote the overall well-being of women at this stage of life.

This product holistically addresses the changes and discomforts associated with the climacteric period, such as hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, lack of libido, changes in weight and body shape.

The innovative formula of Donna Plus Menocifuga Vital offers a triple effect that includes ingredients such as Black Cohosh and Melissa to help cope with the signs of menopause, vitamin d for the maintenance of bones and teeth, vitamins b6, b9 and b12 to reduce tiredness and fatigue, chromium, zinc and copper for weight control and libido, and extracts of Bitter Orange, Damiana and African Mango to promote vitality.

This product is indicated to improve the well-being and quality of life of women in the climacteric period who wish to maintain an active lifestyle. It is a non-hormonal therapy, without isoflavones and without estrogenic activity.

It is recommended to take one stick a day dissolved in a glass of water before main meals for at least 8-12 weeks. It can be consumed with hot or cold water as a tea.

Donna Plus Menocifuga Vital 30 Sticks is an option to live this stage with confidence and vitality.




I am still testing it

Esther N.


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