Edensan 01 Infusions Filters 20Uds

5,69€ 6,25€
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Edensan 01 Infusions Filters 20Uds

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5,69€ 6,25€
Only 6 units at this price


Edensan 01 Filters Infusions 20Uds is an infusion based on a mixture of natural plants that promotes liver and biliary functions of the body.

This product contains boldo, a natural ingredient that has beneficial properties for the health of the liver and gallbladder: diuretic effect and stimulating effect of bile secretion, a necessary component for the digestions to occur properly.

In addition, it also contains mint, a natural ingredient with multiple beneficial properties to maintain gastrointestinal health: stimulates the secretion of bile, is digestive, antimicrobial and prevents spasms and promotes the elimination of gases.

Instructions for use

  • Pour 200 ml (one glass) of boiling water into a container containing a filter.
  • Let stand 5-10 minutes and drink hot.
  • It is recommended not to take more than 2-3 infusions a day and not to make treatments of more than 3-4 weeks.



Unit price

0,28€ / Units

Pharmaceutical Advice

Not recommended for use in pregnancy and lactation.



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