In addition to washing and conditioning our hair daily, we must bear in mind that this also ages. Solar radiation, the use of chemicals, the physiological aging... are some of the causes that pale our hair. A solution to this situation is to supplement your diet with a complement nutricosmetic that will help strengthen your hair.
Efluvium cystine is a capillary capsules treatment that helps to improve the appearance of your hair, nourishing it in depth. Thanks to its rich in cystine, vitamins of Group B, biotin and minerals, will help to both reconstitute your hair like your nails.
The benefits of Efluvium cystine are:
- -L-cystine: it is an essential amino acid that favors the majority proteins in hair and nails.
- -Zinc and iron: essential minerals.
- -Biotin: contribute to the growth and strengthening of the hair.