ESI Digestivaid Active 45 tablets

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Promotes the correct digestion of the organism

45 tabletas

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Only 6 units at this price


Do you have digestive problems because of a heavy meal? Do you have gas or stomach pains? To alleviate digestion problems, try the latest in Digestivaid Active from ESI.

ESI's Digestivaid Active tablets are a food supplement that promotes proper digestion of the body. Indicated for people with problems of heavy digestion, gastic disorders or imbalances in the metabolic and digestive functions. Made from starchy rice starch fermented with papain, pineapple, aloe and vegetable principles, they achieve optimal digestion.

*It allows a correct dissolution of the tablet.

Take care of your digestive health with ESI.

Instructions for use

Take 1 or 2 tablets half an hour before main meals.


Green anise, fermented rice feed, pineapple, papaya, fennel, aloe vera, artichoke, cumin, ginger.

Pharmaceutical Advice

Some aloe species are used in the formulation of dietary supplements for the digestive system and as bowel movement regulators. This type of supplement should not be used for extended periods of time or in cases of intestinal problems (inflammation or intestinal obstruction). Avoid use during pregnancy and lactation. If you are taking medication, consult a healthcare professional.




Excellent product, it works, and it is natural.

Rafael M.


New in Natural Remedies