Eurostil Classic Dye Palette Small 1ud

Only 8 units at this price

Easy to dye hair effectively

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Only 8 units at this price


Palette for the application of hair dye in the Eurostil brand. It is the classic model in small size. By design, it is perfect for putting the hair dye optimally and evenly. The use of this palette model facilitates the application on the entire hair. Due to its dimensions it should be used in moderate strands and this in turn allows to control that the dye reaches all the hair. It is easy to hold and can also be used without problems to make the mixture with which you are going to dye your hair. It is made of washable material, which allows it to be reused. In addition, the material of its bristles allows an even glide of the mixture. It can be used for any dyeing time on the market.

Instructions for use

Put a portion of dye and apply it on a strand of hair.

Unit price

€1.49 / Units



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