500 ml
Chamomile is a herbaceous plant from the Chamomilla or Matricaria species. Chamomile extract is used as a cosmetic ingredient for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties on skin with dermatitis. Its essential oil is rich in substances such as bisabolol, which provides a soothing effect. The extract also contains flavonoids, polysaccharides and coumarins. The synergy of these substances with antibacterial and antioxidant effects (such as flavonoids) protects the skin from oxidative damage. The plant also contains mineral salts that help strengthen the skin's defences and contribute to skin cell renewal.
Chamomile contains mucilage, and fibres that absorb water and act as energy reserves for the plant. This absorption capacity is used to form thick solutions and gels, which is why we can find shampoos, bath gels or lotions formulated with chamomile. Hair products that include chamomile in their formulation take advantage of the effect of three flavonoids (apigenin, quercetin and azulene) to gradually lighten hair colour. The effect is natural, as it is not an aggressive bleaching substance, and confers golden hues. Unlike some dyes, it respects the integrity of the hair fibre because it does not penetrate the cuticle.
Safety visual aids
At this time we do not have safety images for this product, but we are working on it. We encourage you to check back later for updates. In the meantime, we recommend that you read the safety information that comes with the product before using it. If you have any questions about safety, please do not hesitate to contact us. Also, if you wish, you can also return the product by following our general terms and conditions.
Manufacturer details
Manufacturing data details relevant information from the product manufacturer.
Calle Santa Engracia nº 31, CP 28010 Madrid
I have only been using it for a short time, but it seems to be working well
Yolanda S.
It leaves the skin very soft and is very good for sensitive skin.
Anonymous A.
The applicator works very well and the product is good
Anonymous A.
It is great for atopic skins and it is very effective, since it makes a lot of foam
Anonymous A.