600 ml
Fisiocrem Gel Active is a gel composed of different vegetable extracts that offers a fast and effective solution for pains in your muscles, joints, and bruises. Â
This gel will help alleviate pain and / or discomfort, whilst also preventing injuries caused by exercise or intense physical effort. It is highly effective in treating and relieving back muscle pain (from cervical to back pain), sciatic pain, and joint pain.Â
What are the benefits of Fisiocrem Gel Active?
- Relieves the pain and discomfort that can bother you in your daily life.
- It will also help to treat back muscle problems, sciatica or joint pain.
- Prepares muscles and ligaments for exercise
Fisiocrem is a natural gel that is used by physiotherapists, doctors, sportsmen and women, and is now available to everyone! In addition, Fisiocrem can be used by children, the elderly, pregnant women and nursing mothers.