Gallia Calisma Growth 3 1.2kg is a growth powdered milk designed for infants from 12 months onwards. Its formula has been specially developed to provide babies with essential nutrients for their growth. This powdered milk contains iron, known for its role in the body's defense system, calcium and vitamin D for bone development, as well as essential fatty acids, including omega 3, for bone growth. Suitable for babies and young children aged 1 to 3 years.Important notice: Breast milk is the most suitable food for infants, according to WHO recommendations. Consult a pharmacist or doctor before using or changing infant formula if you are unable or unwilling to breastfeed. Follow the preparation, dosage, and usage instructions of the infant formula carefully, as incorrect use could pose a health risk to the child.
Pharmaceutical Advice
Breast milk is the best food for babies. If providing it is not possible or if it is insufficient, the paediatrician is the best healthcare professional to advise on the most suitable type of milk for infants.