GHF Noni 600mg 120comp

6,29€ 8,94€
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Stimulates cellular metabolism and promotes tissue regeneration


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6,29€ 8,94€
Only 12 units at this price


In recent times, the healthy properties of noni have become part of multiple cosmetic and health treatments. This fruit, also known as Maroon Gunabana or Indian Blackberry, is rich in vitamin C, linoleic acid, bioflavonoids and many other essential trace elements to maintain the health of your body.

GHF Noni 600mg is a solution that stimulates cellular metabolism and promotes tissue regeneration. Thanks to this action it reduces joint and rheumatic pain, making it a good product in times of tiredness or fatigue (such as after sports).

In addition, noni will provide you with the following benefits:

  • - Controls blood pressure.
  • - Stimulates the immune system.
  • - It has anti-cancer properties.
  • - Helps in states of asthenia.

Instructions for use

Take 2 tablets three times a day, before meals.


500mg tablets, with 300mg of noni (Morinda citrifolia).

Pharmaceutical Advice

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is one of the most important nutrients in our diet. It boosts the immune system, promotes the absorption of iron from food and is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all skin tissues.

Vitamin C’s antioxidant effect neutralises the free radicals that are responsible for oxidative stress in the skin, delays the signs of aging, stimulates collagen production, promotes wound healing and supports cartilage, bones and teeth maintenance.

Remember that dietary supplements should not replace a healthy, balanced diet. In a case of vitamin C deficiency or excess, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and advice.



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