Gsn Silimarin Premium 90comp

9,49€ 15,45€
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Gsn Silimarin Premium 90comp

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9,49€ 15,45€
Only 3 units at this price


Gsn SilimarinPremium 90comp is a food supplement in the form of pearls containing milk thistle seed, used to improve liver function. It acts as a protector against hepatotoxic agents and stabilizes the membrane of liver cells, thus protecting the liver and restoring its damaged cells to return them to their normal function.

It is recommended to take 2 tablets a day. It is important to remember that food supplements should not replace a balanced and healthy diet, and should be kept out of the reach of children.

Ingredients: Milk thistle, Seed extract, 80% Silymarin: 280 mg.


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