Hollis Urinario 60caps

Only 11 units at this price

Contributes to normal urinary tract function

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Only 11 units at this price


Dietary supplement based on probiotics and extracts of heather, bearberry and cranberry. Its active ingredients with draining and antibacterial properties contribute to the normal functioning of the urinary tract and prevent excessive proliferation of pathogens in the bladder. The formula is especially indicated for women.


D-Mannose, dry extracts of Heather*** (Calluna vulgaris), Bearberry*** (Arctostaphylos uva ursi), Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon), Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus acidophilus. HPMC vegetable gelatin capsule. ***From organic farming (i.e. 77% of agricultural ingredients - FR-BIO-01 certified).

Unit price

€0.39 / Capsules


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