Holofit Turmeric Phytosomade 180 Capsules

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Ayurvedic antioxidant and anti-inflammatory remedy


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Turmeric is one of the plants that arouses more interest currently due to its powerful properties anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hepatoprotective.

Holofit turmeric Fitosomada 50 Caps is a dietary supplement with an excellent formulation based on turmeric fitosomada. Is an Ayurvedic remedy against inflammation and antioxidant.

Food supplements must not be used as substitutes of a varied and balanced diet.

* Check with your doctor or pharmacist if taking blood thinners.

* Wrapper: polysaccharide of vegetable origin (pullulan).

* Does not contain gluten or starch, or transgenic, or dyes. Suitable for vegetarians, diabetics and patients with restrictive diets.

Instructions for use

Take 1 to 2 capsules per day


Meriva® (Phytosomed turmeric (dry curcuma extract (long curcuma l., rhizome, ratio 30:1) 33%)

Unit price

€0.65 / Capsules

Pharmaceutical Advice

Turmeric is a powdered root that belongs to the ginger family and is used as food colouring or a condiment because of its intense yellow colour. But it is much more than that. It stands out for its content of a substance called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties and an effect on the gall bladder. Traditionally, it is used to stimulate bile secretion, as a liver cleanser and to alleviate stomach discomfort. It has also shown immunomodulatory (immune system support) effects.

It is important to consume it in well-defined and proven safe amounts in order to achieve the desired benefits. It can be taken as a spice tea, in capsule or powder form, or as a dietary supplement. Turmeric extract found in some cosmetic products (gel or cream) is used to relieve muscle and joint discomfort, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Remember to take the dietary supplement according to the dosage prescribed by your healthcare professional and/or the manufacturer's recommendation, in the context of a balanced diet. If you have a digestive disease such as a gastric ulcer, liver problems and/or other chronic illness, you should consult a professional before taking it.




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