There is nothing better than Hidrotelial Luxoben Forte to relax your muscles after sport. It is ideal to avoid injuries, stiffness or stiffness in the muscles and joints, in addition, it will help you to obtain the maximum possible well-being after your physical exercise.
The body massage of Hydrotelial Luxoben Forte will help you to relieve muscle and joint discomfort after practicing sports or a major physical effort.
You can also use this treatment for any other type of massage, thanks to its antispasmodic, relaxing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
Among its main benefits are the following;
- Restructures elastin and collagen fibers thanks to 5G organic silicon.
- The harpagophyte has anti-inflammatory properties.
- Anti-inflammatory and analgesic action thanks to the glycolic action of arnica montana.
- Hypertension is an effective healing and antiseptic agent.
*Pack of 40ml.
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