IDC Institute Mascarilla de Colágeno y Vitamina C Unicorn 8g

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Helps to achieve a luminous and rested look

8 g


Hydrogel eye contour mask formulated with vitamin C and collagen. It helps to look luminous and rested, as it contributes to decongesting and revitalising the skin around the eyes. Its ingredients have refreshing properties and are suitable for all skin types.

Instructions for use

Store in the refrigerator before application and place the patches over the eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse if necessary.

Pharmaceutical Advice

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It is responsible for providing firmness and elasticity to muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, bones and cartilage. From the age of 30, collagen production reduces in our bodies.

Topical collagen helps to keep the skin hydrated and promotes water retention. On the other hand, with this external contribution, we will be able to reduce expression lines, as well as combat flaccidity and delay the appearance of cellulite or orange peel skin.

We can also take some precautions to promote collagen synthesis such as reducing the consumption of alcohol or tobacco, which deteriorate collagen fibres; reducing exposure to the sun and applying adequate photoprotection, maintaining a diet rich in vitamins C, E and A and using specific dermatological products that promote the production of this protein.


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