Inava Cepillo de Dientes Protésico Doble Implante 1ud

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Instructions for use

Use a specific product to clean dentures.

Clean the dentures in a sink full of water.

Rinse the dentures thoroughly with warm water.

Wet the brush and clean all surfaces.

Finally, brush the gums, tongue and teeth with a fluoride toothpaste.

Unit price

€6.96 / Units

Pharmaceutical Advice

These special brushes are optimally designed to clean dentures, removable orthodontic appliances and mouthguards.

The larger brush head has been designed to clean the denture surface, especially flat surfaces and external areas.

The smaller brush head cleans small spaces and the inner areas of the dentures in depth.
Have regular check-ups with your dentist to ensure your dentures are in proper condition and to ensure good oral health.



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