Int-Salim Cous Cous Wheat Integal 500g is an artisanal handmade product. According to its Arabic origins, it contains excellent nutritional properties. Wholemeal cous cous cous is a food considered to be of very high nutritional value because it provides a significant amount of carbohydrates (in the form of starch). It is considered a perfect food for providing energy and favouring the digestive balance of the organism. Its consumption is recommended for people who need to control blood sugar levels, as well as for athletes and sportsmen. It also provides a significant proportion of protein in the form of gluten, so this product is not suitable for people with coeliac disease. It is a low-fat food which, in turn, provides significant amounts of fibre. Moreover, Int-Salim is very rich in vitamins B and E, recognised as natural antioxidants.