Intimina Lily Cup One Menstrual Cup One Size

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Easy to apply menstrual cup

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Intimina Lily Cup One Menstrual Cup One Size is a reusable menstrual cup made of medical grade silicone with a soft texture. It does not dry or irritate, provides up to 12 hours of protection and is odorless.

This product is one size fits all (equivalent to a small size) and is easy to use, so it is recommended for users who want to start using the menstrual cup.

It contains a case for convenient storage. Suitable for all types of flows.

Instructions for use

  • Folding: hold the base of your glass, flatten the opening and fold it in half.
  • Insert: tilt the cup towards your coccyx and insert it until the extraction stem is inside you.
  • Insert: Turn the cup slightly from left to right or gently pull it down to fit inside.
  • Removing: To remove the cup, simply press down on the base and gently pull down.



Pharmaceutical Advice

Menstrual cups are made of a flexible, soft, hypoallergenic material that respects the natural vagina flora and prevents dryness and irritation. They collect more blood than tampons or pads but must be emptied and washed regularly and should not be used for more than 12 hours. Choosing the menstrual cup has several advantages. In the long term it is cheaper than using tampons and pads, it does not cause dryness and maintains the vagina’s natural moisture. The hypoallergenic material used to make menstrual cups does not produce any kind of reaction or allergy and does not smell as it is not in contact with the air. Of course, it is an eco-friendly and planet-friendly option.

It is important to choose the right menstrual cup size. They are usually classified as S, M and L, but some brands choose letters and others indicate their size according to their capacity. The size may vary depending on your flow (whether it is heavy, medium or light) or whether you have had children. To help you choose, if you have given birth the best option is an L, if you are over 30 and have no children you could choose a size M and if you are younger, in general, your size will be an S.

It is compatible with IUDs and other contraceptive methods.

Regarding sex, all menstrual cups are suitable for non-penetrative sex, although there are now some menstrual cups in the market designed to use during penetrative sex.




Sometimes the ring is a bit annoying if you leave it out

Anonymous A.


Anonymous A.

Hygienic, you can take it everywhere, comfortable, you collaborate with the environment?

Anonymous A.

Small, environmentally friendly and easy to use, although there is a learning curve.

Anonymous A.

Very good

Anonymous A.

It is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Very comfortable to use and saves a lot of money buying tampons and pads. I recommend it 100%

Anonymous A.

Horrible, very hard, it hurts a lot and you notice that you are wearing it, putting it in is very difficult, I can't stand it. My previous cup was enna brand and it was much better, I'm going to buy the other one again, I'll leave this one for an emergency.

Anonymous A.

It's the first cup I've used and I loved it! Super easy to use. Highly recommended

Anonymous A.

I loved the Cup in general as it closes and everything but especially what comes to keep the in an intimate and very comfortable way because it is small it fits anywhere, I highly recommend it

Anonymous A.

Recommended 100x100

Anonymous A.

I find it a bit harder than others I've used but once it's in place I don't even feel it!

Anonymous A.

Well, the basic thing is that the shipping was fast and it arrived in perfect condition. Now the evaluation of the product as such, for the moment I can not say anything bad, really. I have had vaginismus and I was afraid to use menstrual cups, I have never even used a tampon, I am almost 22 years old and I have not had penetration so I think this cup can also be highly recommended for people who have not had sexual intercourse with penetration. The silicone is hard without being excessively uncomfortable. It fits well against the vaginal walls and pulls out well. I wash it with a 5.5 PH soap. I hope it lasts me as many years as they promise because it's great, I only used it for 5 days (my most current period) and I have it in and out in about 15 minutes. I haven't stained myself to get it out or anything. Lastly, the ring at the end bothered me when I walked and I couldn't stand it so I cut it off and I can't say anything but good things about it. In short, expe...

Anonymous A.

The rim is a bit hard compared to others

Anonymous A.

The super-comfortable cup, I've never tried it before. I recommend it 100%.

Anonymous A.

a 10, super comfortable

Anonymous A.

Just as I imagined it.

Anonymous A.

The Cup is perfect, soft, smooth, easy to put on... without a doubt the best choice and at the best price.

Anonymous A.


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