Jean Claude Olivier Gel Hidroalcohólico Spray 200ml

4,99€ 13,90€
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4,99€ 13,90€


The hydroalcoholic sanitizing spray cleans and sanitizes your hands without rinsing. Its formula includes moisturizing ingredients that improve skin barrier function. Its use is an ideal alternative when the use of soap and water is not possible. Its use in schools, gyms, offices and public places in general is an effective weapon of protection Vegan product.
According to WHO, hydroalcoholic solutions containing 60-90% v/v alcohol have effective microbicidal activity. Cosmetic hydroalcoholic gels intrinsically present the recommended and internationally recognized secondary antimicrobial action, providing protection to the consumer.
Cosmetic hydroalcoholic products whose main function is hand cleaning, intrinsically present a secondary antimicrobial action, providing protection to the consumer who, in this context of de-escalation, is looking for this sanitizing function.

Price per 100 ML

2,50€ / 100 ml



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