La Pirenaica Fennel 20 Filters

3,19€ 4,04€
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Units 20 Units

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La Pirenaica Fennel 20 Filters

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3,19€ 4,04€
Only 1 unit at this price
Units 20 Units

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Instructions for use

Place the tea bag in a cup or teapot with water and steep for as long as necessary. Then remove the bag and drink hot or cold. Read the directions on the package before brewing. Water temperature, as well as steeping time, may vary according to the type of tea or infusion.

Unit price

0,16€ / Units

Pharmaceutical Advice

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a perennial herb with medicinal properties, similar in shape to celery and with a flavour that is reminiscent of anise. Its essential oil, which comes from the fruit or aerial part of the plant, contains substances known as anethole and estragole. It also contains flavonoids and coumarins.

These phytoactive substances have antiseptic, expectorant and mild spasmolytic properties (e.g. for menstrual discomfort). Fennel has traditionally been used, as a herbal tea or as a dietary supplement, to relieve digestive discomfort. It is known to be effective against bloating and gas accumulation.

It also helps to reduce feelings of nausea and dizziness during pregnancy and promotes milk production during breastfeeding. In both situations, the use of pure essential oil or a hydroalcoholic extract is not recommended, due to the presence of excessive amounts of anethole. At this stage, it is advisable to take in the form of a herbal tea or a specific dietary supplement, without exceeding the recommended dose. In babies and young children, it can also be useful in cases of colic, gas and intestinal discomfort, following the dosage indicated in preparations suitable for children. When in doubt, consult a healthcare professional.



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