Lacer LacerBlanc Pasta Dentífrica Blanqueadora Menta 150ml

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Volume 150 ml

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Whitening toothpaste for daily use

150 ml

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Shipping for only €1.99 for baskets over €25.00
Only 1 unit at this price
Volume 150 ml

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Lacer LacerBlanc Whitening Toothpaste Mint 150ml is a toothpaste that helps prevent the formation of stains on the tooth surface, and acts on existing stains, recovering the uniformity of color in the teeth.

It is based on whitening properties. In addition, its formula contains agents that help to reinforce the protective barrier of the gums and teeth,

Indicated for the appearance of dental plaque, caries and dental sensitivity in adults.

Price per 100 ML

€5.61 / 100 ml



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