Libicare Meno 30 + 30caps

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Helps to control menopausal symptoms

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Only 4 units at this price


Libicare Meno 30+30caps is a food supplement indicated for menopause. Its formula contains natural ingredients that help to cope with the symptoms of this stage of life.

This product contains two types of capsules: the day capsule is to reduce the discomfort caused by hot flashes and to prevent tiredness and fatigue; the night capsule helps to improve digestion and promotes a good rest.

The combination of these capsules can also help to mitigate irritability and promote sexual desire.

Indicated for those who suffer from discomfort due to menopause.

Instructions for use

Take one capsule at breakfast and one before bedtime.


Luprenol, melatonin, dry extract of ginkgo biloba, vitamin D, selenium, zinc and olive oil polyphenols.

Unit price

1,30€ / Capsules

Pharmaceutical Advice

You may have heard the term "circadian rhythms" and not known exactly what it refers to. Its definition includes any kind of physical, mental or behavioural change that occurs as a result of the light-dark transition. An example of this is staying awake during the day and sleeping at night. But how is melatonin related to this process? This hormone produced by the pineal gland is responsible for telling the body when it is time to go to sleep and when it is time to wake up. An imbalance in the production of this hormone (changes in work shifts, jet lag or mild insomnia) can lead to disturbances in the sleep-wake cycle.

Melatonin supplements help treat these sleep disorders and help provide some relief for mild insomnia. As well as helping to regulate our biological clock, this hormone also acts as an antioxidant that helps to fight free radicals and boost the immune system, reviving our natural defences.

To regulate melatonin levels, it is also essential to introduce a proper sleep routine and habits. For example, avoiding having a late dinner, establishing regular schedules, avoiding caffeine at least 6 hours before going to bed and avoiding using electronic devices at night. If mild insomnia persists, other symptoms appear or if you are taking some kind of medication, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional.




Helps me with menopausal symptoms

Patricia E.

My gynecologist recommended it to me and this is the second time I take it, it is very good for me to rest at night.


At the moment I have a positive feeling about the product although I have only taken one box and I think the effects are noticeable in the longer term. Improved mood, less irritability and fainter hot flashes.

Laura F.

I've only been here a few days, it seems to be going well

Ana T.

My gynecologist recommended it to me to alleviate hot flashes preparatory to menopause and to sleep well. It works well for me, to be honest...

Esther A.

I'm still not sure if it works. I will wait to finish the box.

Judith P.

It is a natural aid. But less effective

Luisa M.

I have been taking it for a few months now and the hot flashes have disappeared and I sleep much better.

Marta A.

Has not yet had the desired effect

Francisco J.

I have been taking them for the past year and I am very happy with the results

Mª D.

It does what it is expected to do. I have been taking 2 full boxes and it is noticeable from the box and a little bit. I will continue to take them.

Maite R.

It has taken away my insomnia problems that I had been having for more than 6 months within two weeks of taking the pills!

Vanessa B.

Very good

Voichita M.


Ionela A.

It was prescribed by my gynecologist for pre-menopause

Esther A.

It helps with menopausal symptoms, especially for me to sleep better.


My gynecologist ordered it for me and it works well

Elena B.

Effective with menopausal symptoms

Carmen M.

I've only been here a few days but I don't have so many hot flashes

Meritxell G.

It works very well for me, I no longer have hot flashes

Clara M.

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