Anonymous A.
When we set out to lose the extra pounds, they bombard us with pills and advice that can put our health at risk. Although not without its dangers, infusions are easier to drink and more appealing. However, always in moderation and respecting the indicated doses.
Manasul® is made up of a mixture of plants specially selected to obtain a powerful laxative effect producing an increase in the gastrointestinal transit, which helps very effectively with the problems of constipation and excess body volume.
The natural compounds in Manasul® produce a reaction at the level of the large intestine that induces it to expel a greater amount of water and electrolytes than would normally be selected and is therefore an effective lavative.
In addition, several components have antispasmodic effects, so Manasul® is an infusion for the intestinal tract that usually does not cause colic or pain.