Marnys Propolvit Defens 20 Vials

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Ideal dietary supplement to help cope with seasonal changes. Contains vitamin B6 which is water soluble and contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, energy metabolism and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Royal jelly, which is involved in energy metabolism. It also contains propolis, colostrum, reishi and shiitake that provide great benefits to the body.

Pharmaceutical Advice

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin needed to form neurotransmitters (nervous system messengers) and adrenal hormones. It is also involved in the proper functioning of the immune system.

Like other B vitamins, it contributes to normal energy metabolism. Its presence in the diet is necessary for normal brain development during pregnancy and childhood. It is therefore involved in proper nervous system function. It is also involved in protein and glycogen formation in the body, as well as red blood cells, which are essential to transport oxygen to cells and tissues. It reduces tiredness and fatigue.

Like the other B vitamins, it is water-soluble, which means that our body cannot store it in large quantities. How can we obtain it? The answer lies in diet, which must be varied and balanced. Foods such as fish (tuna and salmon), meat and eggs, nuts (walnuts), pulses (chickpeas), unrefined cereals and fruit such as bananas provide significant amounts of vitamin B6. If more vitamin B6 is needed, it can be found in dietary supplements with other B vitamins or other ingredients. It is advisable to get advice from a healthcare professional before taking any supplement.




Great for the immune system

Encarnación A.

It is helping me a lot and I like the taste

Ilaria C.

I really liked the composition to increase defenses and fatigue.

Anonymous A.

I find it great for seasonal changes

Anonymous A.

For me they are a marvel. I've taken them to recover from the covid that left me in a tailspin and everyone I've recommended them to has done great, friends and family. Now I always have a box at home.

Anonymous A.

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