Multicentrum 20 effervescent tablets

Only 3 units at this price

Nutritional supplement in a practical and easy to take format

20 comprimidos efervescentes

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Only 3 units at this price


Today's lifestyle often involves inappropriate eating and sedentary habits, resulting in a feeling of accumulated tiredness that can affect our health and well-being. Therefore, a complete and balanced diet is essential for a healthy and energetic life.

Multicentrum, with this presentation in effervescent tablets is a nutritional supplement that helps you to get the necessary supply of vitamins, minerals and lutein that our body needs during the day to day. multicentrum formula is indicated from 13 to 50 years.

The main benefits of Multicentrum are:

  • It releases energy: its ingredients help normal energy metabolism. In addition, the iron in its formula contributes to the transport of oxygen in the body.
  • Immune system: Vitamin C, selenium and zinc provide a fundamental aid to the functioning of the immune system.
  • Skin health: Vitamin A and biotin contribute to good skin health by stimulating the formation of natural collagen.
  • Environmental stress: Vitamins C, E and selenium combat cellular oxidative damage.

Fight daily fatigue!

Instructions for use

Dilute 1 tablet daily with water, preferably at breakfast or lunch.

Vídeo del producto


Pharmaceutical Advice

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is one of the most important nutrients in our diet. It boosts the immune system, promotes the absorption of iron from food and is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all skin tissues.

Vitamin C’s antioxidant effect neutralises the free radicals that are responsible for oxidative stress in the skin, delays the signs of aging, stimulates collagen production, promotes wound healing and supports cartilage, bones and teeth maintenance.

Remember that dietary supplements should not replace a healthy, balanced diet. In a case of vitamin C deficiency or excess, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and advice.




It has a good taste and, being effervescent, it is easy to graft.

Daniel D.

It is not normal to sell with less than 6 months expiration date.

Félix B.

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Anonymous A.

It's been a short time taking it, we hope to see results soon

Anonymous A.


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