Mustela 9 Months Antiestrías 250ml is a very effective treatment to reduce deep stretch marks, diminish their colour and diminish their depth. This cream is compatible with breastfeeding as long as hygiene is respected before breast-feeding. It is a very effective formula for pampering the skin during and after pregnancy because it minimizes the risk of suffering stretch marks. Anti-stretch mark creams should be applied from the first day of pregnancy with a gentle massage. The more constant you are, the better the result. Its correct composition carries the regulator that has been obtained from soy proteins that together with lupéol, moisturizing AHA and nourishing oils, achieve in a short time a much more flexible and elastic skin, which resists much better stretching.
In addition to prevention, Mustela 9 months Anti-Stretch marks Double Action allows you to disguise as much as possible the small stretch marks that have appeared on the skin. This product stimulates the regeneration of cells in the epidermis thanks to thesilicon, oligoelements and sophora japonica that we can find among its ingredients.
The cream has a delicate aroma and brings immediate softness and freshness to the skin. It has a high absorption capacity and is very creamy to facilitate the massage.
Prevents and treats stretch marks during pregnancy withMustela 9 Months Antiestrías 250ml!