NAN Total Comfort 800g

Only 1 unit at this price

Ideal for babies with digestive disorders

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NAN Confort Total 800gr is an infant milk designed for babies suffering from mild digestive disorders such as colic or constipation. It is suitable for babies from birth. Its formula facilitates digestion and is suitable as the only food source for infants up to 6 months of age.

Before using an infant formula, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

Instructions for use

  • Add to the bottle (previously sterilised) the necessary amount of water, boiled or bottled.

  • Add the exact number of measurements of milk powder indicated on the package, depending on the water.

  • Level the edge of the spoon with a knife, to remove the excess powdered milk.

  • Dissolve the milk powder in water and shake the bottle.

The cleaning of the bottle and teats must be very scrupulous and constant.


Price per 100 G

€4.05 / 100 g

Pharmaceutical Advice

Breast milk is the best food for babies. If providing it is not possible or if it is insufficient, the paediatrician is the best healthcare professional to advise on the most suitable type of milk for infants.




My baby is doing very well since we had to change to this one because with the one we had before he got constipated

Beatriz B.


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