Regulax® is a natural supplement based on plant extracts that help regulate intestinal transit. This product is a mixture of plants that at low doses has a regulating effect and high doses have a laxative effect.
Characteristics and properties:
- It works at intestinal level providing fiber with great capacity of water absorption so it creates volume and hydration to the fecal bolus.
- Contains inulin which is a prebiotic fibre as it stimulates the development of the intestinal flora, also lubricating the intestinal mucosa.
- Contains plants with intestinal wind chill that increase peristaltic movements and the progression of the fecal bolus without irritating the mucosa or destroying intestinal flora, and does not cause intestinal irritation. It does not produce intestinal dependence.
- It increases the volume of the faecal mass and reduces its excessive viscosity in cases of constipation, making peristaltic intestinal movements more effective and facilitating bowel movements by a mechanism that does not irritate the intestinal walls;
*Presentation: box of 30 envelopes