Many people have spots on the skin of the face, caused either by hormonal causes or by abuse of sun exposure. To get rid of these blemishes, the best thing you can do is to use a depigmentation treatment, which will help you to reduce these blemishes and even out your skin tone.
Neoretin Discrom Control is an ideal gelcream for hyperpigmented skin which possesses a creamy and pleasant texture. Its formulation, which has a photoprotective factor SPF50+, has a delicate aroma of rose water and is suitable for all skin types.
Among its active ingredients are two essential ingredients:
- Retionate hydroxypinacolone is an active ingredient that will help regenerate your skin's natural color.
- Retinoids are used to treat photoageing, blemishes and acne, as they are substances derived from vitamin A.
Restore the best tone to your skin!