Puressentiel Niaouli Organic Essential Oil is antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal. It stimulates the immune system and facilitates coughing and expectoration, treats sinusitis, rhinitis and bronchitis by inhalation. Healing, it protects the skin from infections (acne, eczema, herpes, etc.) and radiation, and restores it. In case of radiotherapy, it can be applied generously on the irradiated areas as a preventive measure. It can also be applied in massage to relieve heavy legs, rheumatic pains, stiffness and chills.
Niaouli essential oil has a strong balsamic fragrance, with a hint of eucalyptus.
Precautions for use:
Always dilute essential oils to avoid possible irritation.
Not to be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women, or in case of allergy to any of the ingredients.
In case of asthma or other history, consult a specialist before use.
Not recommended for children under 7 years old.